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3 Ways to Get Out of a Bad Relationship When You’ve Got a Child

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How do you get out of a relationship with a man if you’ve got a child? It’s a tough question because you’ve got to put your child first. If you have a child with the man you’ve just ended a relationship with, you’ve got to navigate through the aftermath of your break up carefully.

First, talk to your child together. Make it clear that the problems in the relationship and the break up have nothing whatsoever to do with the child. It’s not the child’s fault that you’ve split and you’ve got make sure your child knows.

Next, set up a schedule of visitation for the child with your ex and stick to it. You’re no longer with this man, but you both have a responsibility to raise the child, so make that your priority and cut out the drama.

Third, don’t use your child as a pawn or a way to get revenge on your ex. Even if you’ve got a former spouse or boyfriend who, at times, exercises extremely poor judgment or plays games, don’t stoop to their level. When your ex starts dating, gets engaged or gets married to a woman who’s younger than you, don’t start acting out. Think to yourself, he’s her problem now.

Always remember that one day your child will find out what happened in your relationship and you always want to make sure you’ve acted properly and in the child’s best interest.

It’s never easy ending a relationship when a child is involved, but it is possible if you put the child’s needs first. — Tasha Cunningham, tasha@dontdatehimgirl.com