Tasha Cunningham – Love & Dating Expert

Great Dating Advice for Hip Chicks

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Tasha Cunningham – Stop Falling For the Wrong Guys Right Now

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We’ve all got habits, some good and some bad. We women tend to repeat bad dating habits more often than we’d like. We date the gorgeous bad boy, instead of swooning over the quirky nerd who we know isn’t going to break our hearts. Or we go for the guy we think we can ‘fix’ instead of devoting our attention to the guy who’s already been repaired. The key to finding a good relationship is to recognize what your bad habits are and quickly breaking them.

1. Look yourself in the eye and take a brutal, honest assessment of your dating relationships. Write down the names of your last five significant others. Write down five reasons why the relationship ended with each guy. Take a look at what you’ve written and you’ll soon see your pattern emerging.

2. When you think about dating that hottie from your office, make a commitment to yourself first. Commit to dating with your eyes wide-open. You owe it to yourself to be selective about the guys you spend your time with. If you decide on a first date with a guy, ask him tough questions that will help make the decision to have a second date. What does he do for a living? What does he value in life? What are his goals and ambitions? Is he financially stable and independent? And when he gives you the answers, don’t overlook them. Don’t make excuses for him and his answers because he looks like Brad Pitt. Instead, listen to what he’s saying and govern yourself accordingly.

3. Agree to get a second opinion. Enlist the help of your closest girlfriends, whom you trust, to provide an independent third-party opinion of your potential paramour. Be prepared to hear their brutally honest criticism and advice.